What On Earth Is Telogen Effluvium Hairloss?

Telogen effluvium occurs when the growth (anagen) phase of the hair growth cycle is cut short by a disturbance in your body. This causes many more hairs than usual to move from the growth phase to the shedding (telogen) phase, causing much more than usual for fall out daily.

It is very normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day, provided they are growing back. However, telogen effluvium can result in as many as 300 hairs being shed in a 24 hour period! Hair can become noticeably thinner in a short period of time!

Telogen effluvium can be short-term or recurring / continuous. Due to the nature of the hair growth cycle, hair loss usually takes place 6 – 12 weeks after the event.

How long does it take for hair to grow back after telogen effluvium?
Without treatment it can take from the minimum of 6 months to see hair growth. It is a much longer period of time for others.

Can this be treated?
The answer is YES! Products containing peppermint oil such as Hairaze have proved to promote faster growth and increased follicle activity in as little as two weeks. After 4 weeks the follicle depth and density (more hairs appearing) and follicle length is greatly increased. Not only that but the shedding (telogen) phase is greatly shorted and in puts the hair follicles into that marvellous growing phase!

There are a few treatments on the market which could help. Hairaze has a very high concentration of peppermint oil mixed with other essential oils known for stimulating hair growth.